Landscape architecture drawings
Copenhagen University Library Frederiksberg has an unique collection of drawings by influential Danish landscape architects. The collection stretches from the end of the 1800s and through the 20th century to today and contains collections from:
Aksel Andersen, Jens Peder Andersen, Georg Boye, Emil Marker Deichmann, Troels Erstad, Erik Erstad-Jørgensen, Georg Georgsen, Edvard Glæsel, Malene Hauxner, Jens Hendeliowitz, Ingwer Ingwersen, Roland Lund, Frank Pettersson, Anka Rasmussen, Jørn Palle Schmidt and Ib Asger Olsen/Per Stahlschmidt.
We also hold smaller collections of drawings from G.N. Brandt, C.Th. Sørensen, P. Wad, Erik Mygind, Erna Sonne Friis og Agnete Muusfeldt and a collection of student projects from The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University from the late 1890s to the 1950s.
The library collection holds around 25,000 drawings plus their additional notes, letters and plant lists. Some projects are ideas and sketches, others are finished projects, some have been replaced or re-made over time, others exist to this day. Some projects were collaborations, and some have been worked on several times by different landscape architects at different periods in time. Although we do not hold architecture drawings some of these projects also include the corresponding architecture drawings and you're welcome to ask about these as well.
These drawings give unique insight into both the artistic perspective and the practical work of Danish landscape architects through generations, and let you get close to the way the different landscape architects worked. A small selection of these drawings are digitized.
Additionally the library also holds pictures and landscape drawings from Danish castles and manor houses, collections of dias, drawings from The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University Garden through the years and other records within the subject area. We can often help you find old arcticles, pictures and other types of infomation about Danish landscape architects, their projects, gardens and landscapes in Denmark and occassionally abroad.
On this page you will be able to find overview information about a selection of the landscape architects in our collection and links to the digitized drawings. All drawings are scanned in 200 dpi and available from a database with zoom facilities.
Use and reproduction of drawings for example for publication requires clearing of rights, and it is the user´s responsibility to obtain these.
For further information about the collection contact: Tina Lund.
A student of Edvard Glæsel. He continued to work for Glæsel and later had his own business. He founded the journal Havekunst (today Landskab) and was the first editor.
The library holds his life's work of landscape architecture drawings, consisting of 595 projetcs. Read more about J.P. Andersen at Kunstindeks (in Danish).
007: Smallegade, Gentofte
029: Ny Toldbodgade (Classen) also 370
030: Randers Skovpark
049: Bibliotekshaven ved Det kongelige Bibliotek (with Glæsel 303)
057: Bagsværd - privathave
079: Skoletegninger
084: Tivoli also 462 (also Glæsel 105)
120: Strandvejen (Betty Nansen)
242: Roskilde Adelige Jomfrukloster
292: Vedbæk sommerhushave
337: Ryvangs Allé, Hellerup
361: Sommerhushave ved Furesøen, Farum
370: Classens have also 029
430: Haveselskabets have, Frederiksberg (also Boye 171 and Glæsel 296)
449: Sorgenfri kirkegård
462: Tivoli also 84 (also Glæsel 105)
474: Vestre kirkegård
502: Palæet, Roskilde
507: Universitetsbiblioteket, Nørre Allé
523: Rådhuspladsen, København (also Glæsel 195)
555: Vallø slotspark (also Glæsel 219)
587: Fredensborg park, Marmorhaven
588: Hindsgavl
595: Bispebjerg kirkegård (also Glæsel 194)
Boye became a gardener in 1927 and horticulture candidate in 1930. From 1949 to 1961 he was the principal of the landscape architeture course at the Royal Danish Garden Company. From 1961 to 1972 he lectured at The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University and later became professor. Here he founded the area of study for Gardening and Landscaping. He also had his own business.
The library has a substantial part of his life's work, around 500 projects plus a photo and slides collection. Read more about G. Boye at Dansk Biografisk Leksikon (Danish).
0006b: Rækkehushaver
0026: Marselisvej, Århus
0027: Eugen Warmingsvej, Århus
0085: Rytterparken, Århus
0126: Lindevej, Århus
0140: Niepoort
0171: Haveselskabets have, Frederiksberg (also Andersen 430 and Glæsel 296)
0291: Nykøbing F. sygehus
0364: Fortunbyen, Lyngby
0368: Møllebakkken, Frederiksværk
0382: Elleparken, Valby
0451: Sct. Jørgens parken, Svendborg
0479: Herning mindepark
0760: Rungsted skole
0787: Elverhøj skole, Herlev
0797: Ebberødgaard
0819: Andersvænge
0990: Københavns lufthavn
1041: Ministerialbygninger, Slotsholmsgade
1111: Biblioteksgården, Kalundborg
Son of landscape architect Erik Erstad-Jørgensen. Gardener and horticulture candidate from 1936. He worked as an assistent at The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University and worked closely together with G.N. Brandt among others. He owned his own business.
The library has his life's work of landscape architecture drawings. Read more about T. Erstad at Dansk Biografisk Leksikon (In Danish).
3803: Privathave - Klampenborg
3903: Privathave - Charlottenlund
3906: Privathave - Valby
4002: Svinningegaard (sml. Glæsel 487)
4103: Bredgade, Høst & Søn
4104: Privathave
4204: Privathave - Ordrup
4301: Holmens kirke
4401: Privathave - Charlottenlund
4402: Birkendegaard
4405: Privathave - Gentofte
4501: Borgvold, Viborg
4503: Bispebjerg Hospital, Foged
4504: Privathave - Taarbæk
4506: Privathave - Hjørring
4508: Privathave - Taastrup
4604: Langelinie
4608: Privathave - Frederiksberg
4611: Privathave - Aalborg
4702: Privathave - Fredensborg
4704: Privathave - Gammeltorp
4706: Privathave - Hellerup
4711: Privathave - Charlottenlund
4712: Privathave - Nyvej
4713: Nykøbing F. Bryghus se også 4807
4803: Privathave - Viggo Rothesvej
4804: Lejerbo Nakskov
4805: Privathave - Rungsted
4806: Fisketorvet Odense
4807: Nykøbing F. Bryghus se også 4713
Gardener and horticulture candidate in 1894. Later he studied with Edvard Glæsel and at the Architech School. Father of landscape architect Troels Erstad.
The library has a selection of his landscape architecture drawings, around 50 projects, and a photo collection. Read more about E. Erstad-Jørgensen at Kunstindeks Danmark (In Danish).
Erna Sonne Friis was known for her work with plant and flower compositions in gardens.
The library holds the drawings of her work with Ingwer Ingwersen at Egeskov Castle. Read more about Erna Sonne Friis in Dansk Kvindebiografisk leksikon (in Danish).
0016: Egeskov with Ingwer Ingwersen
Became gardener in 1912 and candidate in horticulture in 1914. He was official gardener at Sorø Academy and lecturer at The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, later to become professor.
The library has his life's work of landscape architecture drawings, counting 80 projects and a dias collection. Read more about G. Georgsen at Kunstindeks Danmark (in Danish).
0017: Næstved new cemetary
0021: Akademihaven in Sorø
0031: Dobbelthushaver
0046: Stadionanlæg, Sorø Akademi
0047: Rynkevang kolonihaver, Kalundborg
Edvard Glæsel began as a gardener and studied garden design in France, Italy and Germany. He was employed with landscape gardener and garden inspector H.A. Flindt and then started his own business.
The library has his life's work of landscape architecture drawings, counting 517 different projects. Read more about E. Glæsel at Kunstindeks Danmark (Danish).
0043: Liselund
0048: Gartenkünstler projekter
0055: Berlin udstilling 1890
0083: Vedbygaard
0090: Schäffergaarden
0105: Tivoli (also Andersen 84 and 462)
0107: Frederiksdal, Nakskov
0115: Dronninggaard, Holte
0118: Allégade, Frederiksberg
0124: Lerchenborg
0152: Havebrugsudstilling i Tivoli 1899
0166: Blaagaardsgade
0186: Sorø akademihave (also Georgsen 21)
0187: Zoologisk have
0194: Bispebjerg kirkegaard (also Andersen 595)
0195: Raadhuspladsen (also Andersen 523)
0201: Carlsberg parkanlæg
0219: Vallø slotspark (also Andersen 555)
0224: Graabrødretorv
0225: Sorø kirkegaard
0235: Mønsted, Østerbro
0241: Nivaagaard
0260: Illum, Vedbæk
0284: Kløvermark park
0296: Haveselskabets have, Frederiksberg (also Andersen 430 and Boye 171)
0303: Bibliotekshaven, Det kongelige Bibliotek (with Andersen 49)
0316: Glyptotekets have
0322: Nyvej, Frederiksberg
0414: Sølundsvej, Østerbro
0423: Hjørring amtmandsbolig
0424: Lundbygaard
0435: Farum præstegaardshave
0475: Visborggaard
0487: Svinningegaard (also Erstad 4002)
0516: Magleaas
Ingwersen was gardener and later horticulture candidate in 1937. He worked as assistent and later lecturer at The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University besides having his own business.
The library has his life´s work. Read more about I. Ingwersen at Kunstindeks Danmark (Danish).
0010: Sorgenfrivang
0011: Universitetsparken
0013: Vilvorde
0016: Egeskov wtih Erna Sonne Friis
0017: Skottegaarden, Kastrup
0030: Rungstedlund
0021_01-02: Privathave - Taghave ved Vesterport
0021_03: Privathave - Søvej, Bagsværd
0021_04: Privathave - Humlevænget, Kgs. Lyngby
0021_05-06: Privathave - Hummeltoften
0021_07-08-37-41: Privathave - Gøgevang, Hørsholm
0021_09: Privathave - Troldhede
0021_10: Privathave - Rørbækvej, Herlev
0021_11: Privathave - Fortunparken, Lyngby
0021_12-13-14-15: Privathave - Stigårdsvej, Hellerup
0021_16: Privathave - Maabjerghus
0021_17-19: Privathave - Bakkegaarden, Kikhavn
0021_18-36/0022_08: Privathave - Soløsevej, Gentofte
0021_20: Privathave - Birkerød
0021_21-22-43: Privathave - Tovesvej, Søllerød
0021_23: Privathave - Torvet, Hillerød
0021_24: Privathave - Lillevang, Birkerød
0021_25: Privathave - Egehøj
0021_26/0022_10: Privathave - Manensvej, Birkerød
0021_27-33-60: Privathave - Høvelte
0021_28: Privathave - Hegelsvej, Charlottenlund
0021_29: Privathave - Asnæs
0021_30-31: Privathave - Stasevang, Usserød
0021_32: Privathave - Nordtoftevej
0021_34-42: Privathave - Hillerød
0021_35: Privathave - Haspegårdsvej, Gladsaxe
0021_38: Privathave - Tværvej, Søvang
0021_39: Privathave
0021_40: Privathave - Kronebakken
0021_44: Privathave - Statens Plantetilsyn
0021_45: Privathave - Lysbrovej, Brønshøj
0021_46: Privathave - Hjortespringsvej, Herlev
0021_47: Privathave
0021_48: Privathave - Kongevej, Holte
0021_49: Privathave - Frydenlundsvej, Rønne
0021_50: Privathave - Gisselfeld Alle, Hellerup
0021_51: Privathave - Malmmosevej, Virum
0021_52: Privathave - Kaningårdsvej, Virum
0021_53: Privathave - Malerbakken, Holte
0021_54: Privathave - Paradisstien, Holte
0021_55: Privathave - Blåmejsevej, Glostrup
0021_56: Privathave - Slaaenbakken, Bistrup
0021_57: Privathave - Schiødtesvej
0021_58: Privathave - Cortzensvej, Virum
0021_59: Privathave - Folemarksvej, Brøndby-Vester
0021_61: Privathave - Adolpsvej, Gentofte
0021_62: Privathave - "Den blaa have"
0022_01: Privathave - Bolbrovej, Rungsted
0022_02: Privathave - Dyrehavegårdsvej
0022_03-04: Privathave - Granhøjen, Gentofte
0022_05-06: Privathave - Haveplan 1, 2
0022_07: Privathave - Vermehrensvej, Klampenborg
0022_09: Privathave - Sandviggaardsvej, Hillerød
0022_11: Privathave - Hegelsvej, Klampenborg
0022_12-13: Privathave - Søborggårdsvej, Birkerød
0022_14-42: Privathave - Svaneke
0022_15: Privathave - Svaleøvej, Roskilde
0022_16-27: Privathave - Jægersborg Allé
0022_17: Privathave - Rosavej, Klampenborg
0022_18: Privathave - Østre Pennehavevej
0022_19: Privathave - Slagelse
0022_20: Privathave - Svaneke
0022_21: Privathave - Asnæs
0022_22-23: Privathave - Fortunparken, Lyngby
0022_24: Privathave - Maabjerghus
0022_25: Privathave - Klostergade, Slagelse
0022_26: Privathave - Nærum
0022_28-32: Privathave - Langelinie, Odense
0022_29: Privathave - Farumgaard
0022_30-31: Privathave - Hummeltoften, Lyngby
0022_33: Privathave - Søllerødgårdsvej, Søllerød
0022_34: Privathave - Frølichsvej, Charlottenlund
0022_35-41: Privathave - Hans Merchelsvej, Virum
0022_36: Privathave - Bolbrovej, Rungsted
0022_37: Privathave - Nørregaardsvej, Rødovre
0022_38-39: Privathave - Knuthsvej
0022_40: Privathave - Bolbrovænge, Rungsted
KVL_01: Parkanlæg med palmehus, Bodil Locker
KVL_02: Offentligt anlæg ved Haderslevgades skole, Johs. P. Geertsen
KVL_03: Villahave, Åke Burbell
KVL_04: Parkanlæg ved Hans Tavsensgade, Astrid Veit
KVL_05: Villahave, A.K. Krustrup
KVL_06: Parterre Bregentved, Michael Gram
KVL_07: Villahave, Carl Johan Hansen
KVL_08: Granhøj, Lars Hansen
KVL_09: Glyptotekets have, P. Wad
KVL_10: Raadhusgaarden, L(ars) H(ansen)
KVL_11: Sommerhushave, H. Egebjerg
KVL_12: Parti af Raadhushaven, C.G. Nielsen
KVL_13: Hindsgavl, H. Stenbæk
KVL_14: Landbohøjskolens have, M.G. Stenius
KVL_15: Herregaardshave, Clemen Jensen