Ellen Backe
Watercolours of Danish fruits and berries Selected watercolours by artist Ellen Backe (1891-1975), who was employed at the Horticultural Department in the period 1935-58. This is where she created botanical illustrations of Danish fruits while functioning as assistent for Anton Pedersen (1887-1978) - Professor in fruit growing at the Agricultural University 1923-57. He collected, categorised and described many different fruits, especially apples - local Danish apples as well foreign sorts used for years in Danish fruit growing. This unique collection was secured by the creation of the Pomology Department at Højbakkegaard 1956-57. This Department contains a rich collection of fruits and berries grown in Denmark. The fruit collection dates back to the establishment of the Agricultural University in 1858 at which point a small fruit section constituted part of the original gardens at Frederiksberg. The watercolours capture the fruits in their natural state and also show artistic sense with regard to the forms and colours of the fruits. Many of the watercolours were used as illustrations in the book: Danmarks frugtsorter by Anton Pedersen. Vol. 1: Æbler. 1950. Vol. 2: Pærer, blommer, kirsebær. 1955. The collection of watercolours from the Pomology Department is kept in the stocks of this library. |