APC Waiver Finder

On this page, you can see which journals are included in the eight national publishing agreements for APC-free publishing. You can use the search function to find specific journals. Specific details and relevant guidelines for each agreement can be found on the Research Portal.

The lists show only one ISSN - either the print or online ISSN - so if you search on one ISSN without result, it is recommended to repeat the search using the other ISSN.

The lists are for guidance, and errors or changes may occur.


Journals in the agreement

ISSN Journal title

Journals in the agreement

ISSN Journal title

Journals in the agreement

ISSN Journal title

Journals in the agreement

ISSN Journal title

Journals in the agreement

ISSN Journal title

Journals in the agreement

ISSN Journal title

Journals in the agreement

ISSN Journal title

Journals in the agreement

ISSN Journal title